Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Im not a profesisonal driver yet~

waoo3x..... my mum wake me up early in d morning bfore she off to work... 6.15am... >,<
last nite i sleep at 12 then wke up so early (for me 7am n below is early ehhehe)..  gud!
why?? mamy suru sy hntr kreta tmpt uncle utk angkt sawit.... ooOOo...
ok! then,i go there but nobody's home!
omg... how lae?? how?? whos gonna send it?
cepat2 i call my mum,then she said : "ba,klu bgtu kmu la yg hntr"
me: ar? hahahah.. baa~..
without any experience, i'll drive d car yg pnuh sawit utk d jual.. ok2....
nervous a lil bit! bukn sbb tu sawit,... but sy nrvous mo naik 2 bukit dgn muatan yg byk+berat lg...
 errr... >,<
hahaaha ben dan oo...

now let d photos tell d story~....

i try 2 put dis fruit! hey actually i can do it.. jus action only.. hahah

owh plz don laugh at dis crazy gal.. heee

and her too.. ahhaha

owh yeaa! luckily arrive safely.. hhaha..

bukit itu pass jg! haahah... vroomm vromm!! (d sound)
hahahaa, well im still P baa.~
wat a lucky day, as soon as i reach d place..... d police traffic pass by!! haahahah
fuuhhh! thx God heeee ^__^
*sy lah petani bjaya*
hahahaha but next time,i still hesitate whether wan 2 do it or not,. heee
maybe d 2nd time i'll get caught...
dear police: im sorry >,< heeeee

"nothings impossible"

i break da rules...


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